Saturday, January 16, 2010

365/014- Crackberry

I remember the days when i didn't have a cell phone, and now I couldn't even imagine life without one


  1. Exactly! One day last year, I left the house without mine. I remembered something MAJORLY important I had to tell my kids, that were left home by themselves. I was standing in line at the post office and almost had a panic attack! I left and tried to find a pay phone...THEY Don't Exist hardly anymore!! Finally, I borrowed the land line at another business, while I was running my errands. When I FINALLY got a hold of them, it was too late. The important thing was missed.

    LOL..can't live without , I guess.

  2. I don't know how we ever used to meet up with friends before cell phones. And I only got one ten years ago, so it's not like I grew up with one or anything!

  3. Yes, how did we get along without them. Nice looking phone

  4. So true - most pf my photos are taken on the same phone! I am so lost without it that even my boys bring it to me when they find it around the house!

  5. lovely shot...
    I have turned around went back home and gotten my phone...

  6. I agree! Can't imagine life before my iPhone!! Heaven forbid if I pass through a 'no service' area... Which does happen on the way to visit our son in WA - It is in OR and I just about hyperventilate ~ Odd...
